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Science has shown over and over again thatbar soap does not transmit infection. It is a powerful, plastic-free, and cheapdisease-fighting tool.

Switching from liquid soap to bar soap isan easy and effective way to reduce one’s plastic use over time. The onlyproblem is, many people believe that using bar soap can transmit infection.There’s a tendency to think that, since everyone is using the same bar of soap,and who knows where their hands might have been, the soap can somehow passaround infections; but the New York Times explains in a recent health column why this is not the case.

Several studies have examined thisquestion, with the first and most in-depth experiment happening in 1965. Scientistscoated their hands with approximately 5 billion bacteria, includingdisease-causing strains of E. coli and staph. Dr. Richard Klasco explains:
“The scientists then washed theirhands with a bar of soap and had a second person wash with the same bar ofsoap. They found that bacteria were not transferred to the second user andconcluded: ‘The level of bacteria that may occur on bar soap, even underextreme usage conditions (heavy usage, poorly designed non-drainable soapdishes, etc.) does not constitute a health hazard.'”

A second major study in 1988 inoculatedbars of soap with pathogenic bacteria to see if it could be transmitted to soapusers, but test subjects had no traces of the bacteria on their hands afterwashing. Subsequent studies have continued to show the same results, whileunderscoring bar soap’s powerful ability to fight serious infections, such asEbola.

One commenter on the NYT article givesfurther background as to why the bacteria does not stick to a bar of soap:
“The bacteria can’t evolve high levelsof resistance because the effect of soap depends on a chemical property — thehydrophobic effect, which is the fact that in the absence of a detergent, oilwon’t mix with water — that is essential for the functioning of nearly everythingin a cell: its membrane, its enzymes, its DNA. The only way a bacteria couldevolve high levels of resistance would be to totally restructure almost everycomponent that it is made of.”

Liquid soap, to be fair, is not teemingwith bacteria either. The stuff works, even if the dispenser is icky and youcan avoid touching it after washing your hands, but the point is that it’s notany better. So, if you can avoid the added plastic from all those bulkydispensers (a rough estimate of 270 million plastic pump bottles go in thetrash annually and most are never recycled), and the added cost (people use 7times more liquid soap per washing than bar soap, and it’s a more expensiveproduct to begin with), then why not give bar soap a try?


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